How To Start Best Shopify Development Agency in UK In 2024

How To Start Best Shopify Development Agency in UK In 2024

Best Shopify Development Agency in UK has come a long way since it first appeared as an eCommerce solution in 2006 to sell snowboard equipment online. Now, it offers all-in-one cloud eCommerce website-building platforms with over $700 billion generated in total sales!

Are you wondering how to start Best Shopify Development Agency in UK and join over 4 million active websites running on this platform? This step-by-step guide can assist in the process by outlining each step needed to construct your e-store from scratch.

How To Launch A Shopify Store Step-By-Step

Tony Robbins’ words speak volumes: the only journey impossible is the one you don’t start. Now is the time to take that first step toward creating your e-store.

How to create a Shopify store straightforward steps?

Open An Account

To open an account with Shopify, visit their website and click Start Free Trial.

You will be presented with a series of questions with predetermined answer choices that best meet your preferences and business requirements. Feel free to skip them entirely and select the ones. So that most closely align with them.

As soon as you provide your email address and choose an original store name, you’ll be taken directly to the admin panel where you can start setting up your Shopify store and enjoying a four-day free trial period.

Choose Your Theme

When opening an account with Shopify, a default theme is already preloaded into the Themes page of your admin panel. If you prefer something different from what was default, adding another Shopify theme can easily be accomplished by clicking Online Store button and choosing Themes from dropdown menu.

Scroll down to the Popular Free Themes section to explore some of the best free themes available from Shopify theme Store.

Once you find a theme you like click the Add button and it will add to your themes library on your admin.

To view how your theme will appear on the front end simply click on the three dots displayed on the Theme library block and choose Preview as the preview option.

This action will give you a good sense of how your Shopify store will appear to its users.

Add Navigation To Your Theme

To add navigation, navigate to Online store >Navigation section of your Shopify admin panel.

This action will open a side slider bar where you can name items as well as search or paste links into it.

Shopify provides an easy way for you to create nested menus where you can group products or pages together as well as creating drop-down menus.

Create Pages for Your E-Store

To create a new page use the Add Page button. When entering content for a page be descriptive and clear when it comes to titles as they will show in browser tabs and search engine results. Utilize the rich text editor to format your text content by including links, tables, images and videos if applicable.

Adjust Visibility

Under Visibility, choose when the page should be publish. By default, new websites become visible immediately upon saving; you may also set a specific publish date or opt out altogether.

Before Setting Tax Rates

In order to begin setting up taxes in Shopify, it’s essential that you first establish whether to charge any applicable taxes on your products. Consult local tax authorities or a professional accountant as you build this decision into your plan to ensure compliance with applicable tax regulations.

Make sure to register and obtain your tax number if you intend on charging taxes. Contact your country/regional tax authorities and obtain their authorization before registering and getting your tax number.

Before launching your Shopify Website Designer UK, it is advisable to place a test order.

From your Shopify admin, navigate to Settings > Payments and edit. In the Use test mode option box, mark it before saving.

Rose Wills

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