Can dashcams help fleet businesses ensure fleet safety

Dashcams have been a part of the society for several years, some countries making them a necessity for vehicles. This is why we are not unfamiliar with this device and its use cases. Fleet management software system that is formulated to help fleet businesses optimise their operations, dashcams can be a huge help. How so?
We will explore this topic more from the following article. But before we get into this, first it is important to learn the operations of dashcams. Let us first understand the use of dashcams and why they are such a necessity for all OTR vehicles.
What are Dashcams?
So what are dashcams? The answer to this question becomes apparent just looking at the name ‘dashcams’. In simple words, dashcams are the cameras placed on the dashboard of a vehicle. It helps collect the on-road and driver’s footage while the vehicle is operational.
It helps collect visual proof of any misconduct that tackles place on either side of the dashcam. This is why it is also called the silent witness. Data collected by these devices are stored either on storage cards inside the camera, or sent to the server. In case or accidents not the fault of the drivers, there is proof to prove innocence.
Using Dashcams with a fleet management software
A million dollar question indeed. After all, why are they using time learning about dashcams if they are not going to help out fleet business, right? Well, the good news is that these devices are an essential part of fleet security!
The fleet management system uses dashcams with its video telematics system . It uses the footage received from these c cameras to optimise their fleet operations. Let us look at the two ways this is made possible:
- Driver Monitoring System: DMS focuses on the diver’s activities. It uses advanced AI to understand the body language of drivers and detect if theta are distracted behind the wheels. Distracted driving can be a big cause of accidents. This is why DMS ensures the safety of the vehicles and rivers as well.
- Advanced Driver Assistance System: this system uses the road facing cameras. As the name suggests, this system helps drivers navigate their vehicles a lot better. This means added safety and better control over the vehicle. Simultaneously, it also alerts managers of any driving practice that can cause harm to the vehicle like harsh lane change.
Dashcams are majorly found in three forms, including:
- Single-camera: Simple road facing camera used to monitor the on-road activity of the vehicle. It can alert drivers if any object or vehicle gets into dangerously close proximity that might lead to accidents.
- Dual-camera: One camera with dual vision supervising both the road and driver via the same device. This system allows managers to see if their drivers do not have their concentration on their vehicle.
- Multi-camera: This is a system that uses several cameras to maintain a 360° view of the vehicle. Thus, all the cameras see if the vehicle is in danger, covering the blind sports for the drivers as well.
How to Connect Dashcams With Your Fleet Management System?
So how can fleet businesses connect dashcams with their fleet management systems? Telematics needs a means of transmission for data communication after all. This is why the following modes are considered effective:
- LTE/4G/5G Network: The Internet is the best way to send and receive information between devices and the server. 5G allows the transmission to take place almost real time. Thus, managers can see if their vehicles are safe or not at any time. The data is sent to the server/cloud from where it becomes available on the software as well.
- Bluetooth: For local transmission, bluetooth is an effective means of communication. It helps project the camera recording on any device it is paired with. Thus, the recording can be reviewed on mobile screens using the bluetooth.
Benefits of Using Dashcams with Video Telematics System
Using dashcams with a fleet management system can be very beneficial for businesses. This is because of the following reasons:
- Better Driver Reports: The system allows managers to see which drivers have good monitoring reports and are performing well. Optimisation plans and training programs for the ones lacking can help the fleet businesses ensure better quality fleet.
- Lower Insurance Cost: Fleet owners need to shell out a lot of money on their insurance cost. This can become less of a challenge with dashcams. Fleet insurance packages for businesses with safety measures like dashcams are significantly lower than otherwise. Thus, businesses can maintain their budget a lot better.
- Collecting Evidence: Several times, drivers can get accused for incidents or accidents not their fault. Having dashcam footage can help mitigate this issue. The system records the vehicle’s activities.this recording can vouch for the driver’s innocence.
- Safer Fleets: Of course, vehicle safety is the firstmost benefit of using video telematics systems. Drivers aware of the cameras supervising their actions make better on-road decisions. This means that managers do not have to worry about constant accidents and damage to the vehicle or consignment.
Can Dashcams have any Disadvantages for Fleet Businesses?
Yes of course! All forms of technology are a double edged sword that can have some disadvantages as well. In case of dashcams these are:
- Less Secure Privacy: Since dashcams are all connected to the same system for fleet businesses, this is the perfect opportunity for hackers to steal info. Getting vehicle’s real-time footage can be damaging for any business. They can lose face and might even jeopardise their vehicle’s safety, losing them to theft because of the data the hacker stole.
- Distraction: The device made to reduce distracted driving can also become the cause for driver’s distraction. This is because the dashcams are in the line of sight between the driver and the front of the vehicle. But displacing the camera a bit can easily mitigate this issue.
Why TrackoBit?
Out of all the fleet management systems available in the market, what makes TrackoBit the best? Maybe it is the robust solutions it has to offer. Or maybe it is the compatibility, but all we know is that fleet businesses love us!
TrackoBit is one of the leading gps tracking systems in the market. It can mould itself according to your requirement and provide safety! Be it any dashcam, we will integrate it and ensure that your fleet does not run into any issue.